You know how it feels when you find out you have been lied to?
You get a kind of sick empty feeling in your gut. The other day I found out that I had been lied to. It was the bold, in your face kind of lie that makes you shake your head and wonder, “What kind of person is capable of that?”
This isn’t the first time I have been lied to and I suspect it will not be the last. What was unique about this is that the person doing the lying was another infertility doctor in town and money was involved. I have been doing a lot of head shaking since then. You want to think that there are circles where people won’t sink below a certain level. I guess there aren’t. It reminds me of an episode from that epic TV show “Kung Fu” in the seventies (sorry to date myself). In one of the many flash-backs the main character has to his childhood in the Kung Fu monastery, he and a friend are deceived by a stranger and robbed. When they return to their master, he asks each of them what they have learned. His friend says, “Never trust a stranger.” The master says, “Time for you to go” and kicks the kid out of the monastery. The main character (no pressure!) says, “expect the unexpected,” and gets the thumbs up from the master.