Sharing programs
Sharing programs give our patients the financial benefit of a fresh Donor Egg cycle at a much lower cost when compared with a frozen cycle. Since ARMS is a partner with one of the largest frozen egg banks in the United States, Donor Egg Bank USA, our egg donor recipients can receive discounts on their fresh donor egg cycles. Discounts are received by sharing some of the eggs the patient’s donor produces with the egg bank. Our egg sharing programs are for self-pay, noninsurance patients only.
For more information on each program, please download the program’s informational sheet (below).
Maximum sharing: $11,386 plus medications
Recipient will be guaranteed 6 to 11 mature eggs or receive a 50 percent refund on treatment cycle costs ($4,499).
If more than 11 mature eggs are harvested, the rest of the eggs go to the egg bank.
Limited sharing: $16,386 plus medications
Recipient will be guaranteed 12 to 17 mature eggs or 50 percent refund of treatment cycle costs ($6,999).
The rest of the eggs go to the egg bank.
Nonsharing programs
Nonsharing programs give our patients the maximum benefit of a fresh cycle by allocating to them all of the eggs their donor produces.
Single cycle nonsharing: $19,386 plus medications
Recipient will receive all of the eggs the donor makes from one cycle.
100% money back guarantee: $34,900
Recipient will receive up to three complete egg donations with embryo biopsy for preimplantation genetic testing (if desired), plus all of the transfer cycles of embryos created from these donations until first live birth. If no live birth occurs, 100 percent of payment is refunded.